A pause while the forgeworld MKIIc Rhino Dozer blade was magnetised for the Immolator. The problem was that this blade from forgeworld has short hull attachment arms. This is fine if the blade is glued to the hull. But with the second Inmmolator the God Emperor had decided to bless the Sisters with a detachable dozer blade. The short arms even with the strongest neodynium magnets because of narrowness of the attachment arms which could not support a magnet more than 3mm in diameter along with the slope of the glacis plate of the hull gave such poor leverage that could not comfortably overcome the weight of the large blade. Various arrangements of magnets and additional clips under the hull were tried until it become obvious that the only realistic solution was to make an extension to the dozer blade arms flat under the hull to give access to larger magnets and a flat surface.
Progress has been made with all three reinforcements tanks as shown. The Exorcist has not quite yet reached the base colours paint stage as some rivets are to be glued to the additional hull reinforced armour panels. Otherwise some satisfactory progress has been made.